Registered name, place of business and legal form
Stichting Internationale Bouworde Nederland
Abbreviated: St. IBO-Nederland
St. Annastraat 174
Chamber of Commerce
The foundation is registered in the Foundations Register of the Chamber of Commerce Central Gelderland with number 41055227.
NL27INGB0000860700 Stichting Bouworde Nederland (BIC/Swift: RABONL2U)
Public Benefit Institution (ANBI)
Stichting IBO-Nederland has been designated by the Dutch tax authorities as a Public Benefit Institution. Donations are eligible for tax deduction. With regard to bequests and donations, St. IBO-Nederland is classified under legal entities as referred to in art. 24 of the Succession Act 1956. The RSIN number is 002968083.
CBF Certificate
Stichting IBO-Nederland is a CBF-recognised charity.
The recognition is the quality mark for charities issued by the CBF, Supervisor of Charities. With the recognition, IBO shows that they meet strict quality requirements.
You can give safely to a Recognised Charity because you can assume that the organisation actually contributes to a better world, handles every euro carefully, is accountable and is independently audited.
More information about this recognition can be found on the website of CBF - Toezicht op goeddoen:
Go the CBF recognition passport of IBO-Nederland.
General policy
The generally pursued policy is stated in the policy document of IBO-Nederland.
Prevention policy
At almost all projects where volunteers work, contacts with children or other people who are in a dependent or vulnerable position, can be established. To prevent possible risks of undesirable behaviour towards vulnerable groups as much as possible, the Association of Dutch Volunteering Organisations (NOV) has established a number of basic principles. IBO-Nederland endorses these principles as described at "In safe hands".
During the preparation at IBO-Nederland, volunteers are made aware of their position in a project, the desired and undesirable behavior and the possible impact of their presence.
Prevention policy is also implemented at IBO-Nederland by:
1. The issue of a Certificate of Good Conduct by the volunteer with assessment against at least criteria 84 and 85
2. The appointment of a confidential advisor within St. IBO-Nederland
3. Application of the code of conduct.
Remuneration Policy
Salaried office workers are paid according to the scales of the CAO Rijk, scale 4 and 5. There is no paid management position. The board members work unpaid. They receive an expense allowance of up to € 1,500 per person per year. Volunteers who make a structural effort at the office or at events can declare travel expenses based on second class public transport and are also exempt from payment of registration fees.
The IBO newsletter for donors and other interested recipients (in Dutch).
Bouwberichten December 2023 / Bouwberichten August 2023 / Bouwberichten April 2023 / Bouwberichten December 2022 / Bouwberichten August 2022 / Bouwberichten April 2022 / Bouwberichten December 2021 / Bouwberichten August 2021 / Bouwberichten April 2021
Activity Reports
IBO-Nederland's activities in numbers.
Activity Report 2023 / Activity Report 2022 / Activity Report 2021 / Activity Report 2020 / Activity Report 2019 / Activity Report 2018 / Activity Report 2017
Yearly reports
Jaarverslag 2022 / Jaarverslag 2021 / Jaarverslag 2020 / Jaarverslag 2019 / Jaarverslag 2018 / Jaarverslag 2017 / Jaarverslag 2016