From departure to return

If you want to do a volunteer project abroad, of course we will help you through the process. By clicking on the headings below, you can read what IBO expect you to do in different phases and what you can expect from IBO.

Before you apply

Before you sign up, ask yourself if volunteering is right for you. Surf around on our site, read experiences on the bulletin board, inform yourself and make an inventory of all kinds of questions you may have. You can always call or email us for advice.

Before you leave

Before you leave for an international workcamp, you have to arrange some things. IBO provides you with the most recent and useful information.

During your project

When you are in an international workcamp, we expect you to be able to work five days a week, approximately eight hours a day. The kind of work depends on the project for which you have registered.

After your return

Suitcases unpacked, sleeping in your own bed again. But it's not over yet! Volunteering abroad has lasting impact.