IBO supporters

IBO has started something new! You can now become an even more active member of our organisation: as IBO supporter. For 65 years we have connected volunteers to projects, where you contribute locally and experience what you can achieve together. Back in the Netherlands however, we see much less of each other and volunteers who have not gone to the same project usually do not know each other. We are going to do something about this! 

We are inviting everyone who likes to be involved with IBO to become a supporter. Whether you are thinking about joining your first project today, you have already been to 10 projects, or you simply care about IBO: you are welcome. For a contribution of €35,- euros per year you receive all kinds of benefits, such as more input, no registration fee and more contact with other supporters. As supported you are invited to IBO activities. With this we create more connections. A win-win, because the more people are involved with IBO, the more secure our future is. We are working towards an inspiring, enthousiastic and active community of IBO supporters.

Why you want to become a supporter

Involvement and input

As supporter you are extra involved with IBO and you have more input. Yearly, we organise an IBO day with our supporters. This is where we evaluate the projects and events of the past year and where you can bring in new projects or ideas. We also discuss the future of IBO: what do we want to achieve, which projects fit in that view, and how can we increase our impact together?


Based on 65 years of experience, we can say that our volunteers are incredibly nice people. You can meet all of them here! In addition to the IBO day, we organize more events with the IBO supporters. There you can talk with other supporters about your experiences, what makes IBO projects so fun, or what will be your next destination. Also if you do not (anymore) participate in projects yourself, you can still actively contribute to the IBO supporters community.

News from IBO

You will be the first to hear about IBO news and new projects thanks to the special newsletter for supporters. IBO also sends out the Bouwberichten three times per year, our offline newsletter filled with stories from volunteers and updates from our organisation. As IBO supporter you will of course also receive it.

Trainings and events

IBO is part of the worldwide network for volunteering organisations CCIVS. CCIVS regularly organises trainings and events on international volunteering, peace activities and climate matters. Supporters get the chance to attend these on behalf of IBO. Here you can obtain new knowledge about for example nature preservation or climate justice, which you will naturally share with IBO. You also extend your international network

Advantages with registration

IBO supporters do not pay a registration fee for projects. This means you have even more reason to yearly sign up for a new project and go on your next adventure. You will also be the first to know about new project and receive the opportunity to register earlier. This way, the chances of you going to your favourite project increase.

How you support IBO

IBO-Nederland is a small organisation with a big heart - we want to achieve a lot. By becoming a supporter, you support IBO and increase the carrying capacity of our organisation. IBO invites her supporters to actively contribute. You can do this for instance by sharing knowledge, experience, or your network, by suggesting new projects or by connecting new volunteers to projects and helping them prepare. The yearly financial contribution provides a small, stable, additional income for IBO, which is also very important to continue our work.

Sign up


To become part of the IBO supporters community you pay a contribution of €35,- euros per year. For this amount, you receive everything we have described above. Everyone can become a supporter, regardless of your age and whether you already have experience with IBO projects. You can sign up as supporter via the form below. You can find the conditions here.
