Individual volunteering

Join an international workcamp! Meet new people, work for charity and really get to know a country.

Through IBO you get to know small-scale organizations abroad, which can really use the contributions of volunteers. IBO-Nederland supports local projects all over the world: you can volunteer in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia.

You will meet people from very different backgrounds and you will be challenged in your thinking. In the meantime, you work together on a practical job for an organization helping to improve the lives of people.

Swing at an organization for children with disabilities in Cameroon, built by IBO volunteers. The swing helps children with and without disabilities to play together. In this way, the taboo on having a (visible) disability is slowly disappearing.

International group

If you register for one of the international volunteering projects, you will be working with an international group. Together, you will assist a local project organization for one, two or three weeks. You work and live together with the group and so you have an intensive introduction to people from all kinds of different countries and cultures.

Fixed project period

In order for an international group of volunteers to work together successfully, we determine the project period in advance: everyone arrives on the same day and leaves on the same day. The camps take a period of 1 to 3 weeks. During this period, meals and accommodation and also job supervision are provided for the volunteer group.Most international workcamps take place between April and October. The camps for the next year will be published from November onwards - so keep an eye on our website!

Volunteer work

You do not need any special skills for most international projects. The work is suitable for anyone who is healthy and resilient. The work is supervised by local professionals. In case specific skills are required, this is stated in the project description.

You usually work five days a week and 6 to 8 hours a day. On the weekend you are free and you can relax and explore the area.

Different ages

Most international projects are for volunteers aged 18+. You can find volunteers of all ages in these projects, from 18 up to 70 years old.

Occasionally there is also an upper age limit, usually 30 years, which almost always has to do with subsidy conditions for those specific projects. Unfortunately, we cannot differ from this.

Some projects are especially for young people, sometimes as young as 14 years old. In these youth projects the emphasis is on working together and living together in an international, multicultural context. These projects are supervised by youth workers from IBO.

Gap year

More and more pupils and students are taking a gap year before getting on with their study. To spend your gap year in a meaningful way, you could do volunteer work abroad. Via IBO you can do a short international workcamp abroad of a few weeks or a longer tailor-made project.

Are you interested in a project or are you looking for a good way to spend part of your gap year? Feel free to contact us!

Do you have any other questions? Please also call or email us.