Künstlerstadt Kalbe has existed here since 2014. It is a project for artists so that they can stay there for a longer period of time. They receive a grant from the organization. They make an assignment for them. They can sell the art and some of the proceeds come back and some they can keep. This creates a foundation for them. A festival is also organized. They have more applications than they can handle.
We are a nice group of volunteers consisting of two Dutch and four Germans of different ages. All hard workers who fulfill their agreements and where everyone also wants to do something for each other.

Day 1 (September 21)
At 7:45 AM we were ready to be picked up and taken to our work location. There were two buildings where work had to be done. Today we worked with the whole group in building 1. We demolished the whole heating system and worked a lot with the grinding machine. All radiators and pipes had to be put together so that the fire brigade could collect them later in the week. We also demolished the toilet blocks.
Day 2 (September 22)
Today we removed wallpaper from the walls in building 1. We started upstairs, but that was not the intention later on, so we continued downstairs. We have decided to also take a break at 10 am and 3.30 pm, because it is tough work. The sun is still lovely, so we can enjoy it a bit. A ceiling was also demolished downstairs and tiles were removed from the walls with a jackhammer. Some walls were hopeless. The wallpaper looked like glue, but it worked. Around 6 pm we ate bread, macaroni and all kinds of fillings. There are no vegetables with the hot meal in the afternoon. This is unfortunate, especially because it is hard work. We got drinks and we cycled to the other building (building 2) to make a lovely fire, listen to music, converse and enjoy the stars. Very cosy! Enjoy by the campfire.
Day 3 (September 23)
Today we continued in building 1. We demolished wallpaper in one room, removed tiles in another room, ground the heating pipes in the portal and removed the grilles. All rubbish had to be sorted and partially removed. Then we swept all areas clean. The organization was very satisfied and certainly about the pace. They didn't expect us to be able to do so much. After work we went cycling in the area, then ate and showered. Still dubbed, very cozy.
Day 4 (September 24)
We are going to convert an old stable building into a meeting room, café and workshop. This is building 2. Today a lot has been demolished, including many heating pipes and two chimneys. All walls had to be scratched clean and the holes had to be filled with clay. Dispose of all stones as well as all residual material. There was a lot of dust involved. Today we had a visit from IBO Germany. They also dined with us. After work it was time for dinner. This was the first day a full hot meal was served. The meal consisted of vegetables, a vegetable hamburger, a regular hamburger and potatoes. Tonight we made another fire and baked baguettes over the fire. Some nice music and it was another great evening.
Day 5 (September 25)
One of the volunteers went home today. She was not well and had not been able to work for two days. So we were left with 5 volunteers. Today we continued in building 2 again. A lot of clay was used to provide the holes in the walls with a layer of clay. This is real handicraft. Feel by hand whether it adheres and make sure that the area is well wetted for the time being. Pretty messy, but doable. For the last layer, the clay is sieved so that you no longer encounter stones. Wallpaper layers of cement/concrete walls also had to be removed. This was almost impossible to do. Swept all the remains and a lot of dust together. All tools have been cleaned of clay residues and cleaned. Started the weekend around 5.30 pm with a beer, cheese, paprika and a cozy campfire. Around 8 pm we ate bread with a lot of diversity of cheese mixtures, sausages, chicken, cucumber, tomato and kohlrabi. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.
Day 6 (September 26)
It was the weekend, so we could stay a little longer. At 09:00 we had breakfast together before going to the bakery. Enjoy reading the newspaper with coffee. The Dutch went to Stendal and had dinner there at a Vietnamese restaurant. The others stayed at home and relaxed. We had dinner together at 9:00 am, schnitzel, soup and bread. Everyone read some more and listened to African music.
Day 7 (September 27)
We had breakfast together again at 09:00. Then the Dutch drove to the Arendsee, where we want to walk more than 10 kilometers around the lake. A small part went along the lake and most of it through the forest. It was rainy, so very few birds could be heard or seen. Saw some great tits, robins, cormorants, ducks, geese and herons. Fortunately not too much wetness. Enjoyed a delicious coffee and cake along the way. In the summer there will be a lot of water tourism here. Many chalets or cottages for rent. At the end a beautiful garden with many corners in which decorated stones, iron objects, pots, ceramics, flowers and herbs. Nice little shop where mothers sat knitting. Found a lovely restaurant where we so
ep and ate salad. Lots of tractors with trailers in which there was bruised corn. It's getting to be autumn. Many large houses, not at all attractive as well as many half-timbered houses. The Germans went to a flea market in Kalbe. We ate together at 7:00 PM. We had a bowl of potatoes with cheese on top, a white sauce with peas, carrots and corn. Went to the room at 9pm and all did our own thing. Tomorrow is a new working week.
Day 8 (September 28)
Today is Corin's birthday. The big boss of the project, she is 58 years old. We sang for her and later in the day we got a plate full of cake and other goodies. Today, various people have applied a layer of clay to various walls in building 2. Clay has also been added with a trailer. We were asked if we wanted to build walls in building 1. We declined this because we are not skilled enough to do so. Furthermore, several walls were scratched clean today. One begins to feel the arms. Had sauerkraut, potatoes, gravy and sausage today, it was delicious. Before 9 pm everyone had gone to their room, because we were all reading books.
Day 9 (September 29)
It was cold this morning, but otherwise a beautiful day. Back to work in building 2. Today a staircase was demolished as well as a shelter above the back door and walls were cleaned again, so that the clay walls became visible. Especially the exterior walls are very bad, but are done by craftsmen. After coffee at 3 p.m., with again a lot of cake, pie and pastry, we could continue to fill with all kinds of clay holes. Tonight, with one of the volunteers from Kunstlerstadt Kalbe, we looked at the grounds on which old railway buildings stood. In 2005 a building was really a youth center. We also walked over a complex where there have been all kinds of allotments with dilapidated houses. Showered late and around 9pm everyone went to their room.
Day 10 (September 30)
Today finally cleaned the walls so far that clay layers can be applied or that they can be plastered (building 2). One room still has a thick layer of green paint on it. We may be able to remove it with a paint burner or with methylated spirits. After 10 a.m., we started to seal the holes in the clay walls before making it very wet. For the last layer, sifted clay is used to make sure there are no pebbles in it. Nice work. It needs many coats after it dries all the time. We had a midday meal soup. One of the volunteers has problems with his back and has gone to the masseur, in the hope that he can help us again tomorrow. He wasn't back until about 8:30 PM. The rest of the group played the game Jenga with "merci" chocolates (something about the date, namely from 2017). Then all the chocolates were stripped of paper and broken into pieces. We tried to shoot them away, even in the mouth or through the open window. Had a lot of fun and fun.
Day 11 (October 1)
The volunteer who suffered from his back, did not dare to go to work today. It was ready for him. So there were still four of us left. We have been filling clay holes all day or we have coated the walls with a layer of clay. Tried to coat the walls in one room that had the green paint with methylated spirits. A lot of work had already been put into this with scratching, but it didn't work out. Clay was also sifted. In building 1 there were still a few jobs for one person. At noon we thanked the cooking crew for everything they have done for us over the past two weeks. We ate cake and gave a box of chocolates. This was much appreciated.
For dinner, a large box from IBO Germany was waiting for us. It contained all kinds of things that we could divide among ourselves. A booklet with 60 years of posters of the Building Order, folders, stickers, pens, games, sweets and a T-shirt. Very attentive. After dinner we were expected at Elvira's at 7 pm. She had invited us to have a drink with her. We made a campfire together, drank beer, played guitar, sang songs, talked about everything and this while enjoying the full moon. At midnight we went home, luckily she lives nearby.
Day 12 (October 2)
Today is the last working day. This afternoon departure of one of the volunteers earlier due to private circumstances. She left at 12:00, so then we were only 3 people left. Was still busy in building 2 this morning. We have filled holes with clay on several walls. Around 10.30 am about 600 stones were brought, which we had to lug up 16 steps. This job was completed around noon. This was a tough job. After lunch, everything was cleaned up and swept. Elvira came around 14:00 with the announcement that
t about 1500 bricks still had to be brought into building 1. Fortunately, three extra people came to help. At 4.15 pm this tough job was finished. We had coffee together and evaluated. Good friendly active working group, so we have done a lot of work in a pleasant way. In the evening we chatted and packed as much stuff as possible in the car.
Day 13 (October 3)
It's already over. We had breakfast at 7:15 am. Then we all left for home one after the other. We have worked hard and done a lot of work. There was a lot of appreciation from the organization. This gives a good and satisfied feeling.