In this project you will volunteer for an NGO in Kayungu District in Uganda. The organization was founded by local volunteers and focuses on development and combating poverty in the region. Foreign volunteers are most welcome to help!
Project themes include water, sanitation and hygiene; environment and nature protection; economic independence for women; orphans and vulnerable young people and HIV/AIDS prevention and support.
As a (group of) foreign volunteer(s), it is easiest to join the building of sanitary facilities or water storage. Since 2010, they have been building with bottle bricks, a method in which plastic (water) bottles are filled and used as building blocks. This is a plus for the environment: there is less waste and the bottles are re-used in a sustainable way. The result is a solid construction for a relatively low price.
Schools and communities can apply for the construction of necessary buildings, such as sanitary facilities. As soon as there are enough volunteers and there's enough money available, construction will start. The NGO provides knowledge and expertise, the people who have applied for the construction collect bottles and provide labor and a financial contribution. Foreign volunteers are a welcome to help and learn and are expected to make a small financial contribution to the project at hand.

You'll work together with local volunteers. You will help collect the bottles at collection points, fill the bottles and build and finish the requested structure. This could be, for example, a toilet block at a school or a water storage facility in a village.
Are you going for a longer period of time? Then you could also be involved in other projects of this organization.
The project organization provides food and shelter for the volunteers from abroad. Expect basic, but safe conditions.
You'll work during the week and are free on the weekend. The project organization can help you organize outings if you wish to go somewhere.
Travel to Entebbe or Kampala. You will be picked up and taken to the project site.
If you arrive at night, please arrange a place to stay until the next day (this will be at your own cost).
Cost and registration
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Fundraising for this project is greatly appreciated!