In Topolovec we support a cooperative that is committed to ecological sustainability. They organise workshops, conferences and events and are constantly researching how to live as sustainably as possible. The 200-year-old traditional building where the events will take place was completely renovated in 2016 with sustainable solutions such as compost toilets, reed beds for wastewater treatment, loam plaster and more.
The cooperative consciously creates a vibrant community, with long- and short-term volunteers who help with housework, maintenance, gardening and anything on the to-do list. Cooperative members, volunteers and regulars live and work together in 'luxurious simplicity' according to four guidelines: harmony of people, harmony of space, resonance of life and joy of living together.
Luxuris Simplicity is a concept of simple lifestyle that utilises the basic comforts of modern times. This includes sharing tools and cars, buying only necessary items, repairing as well as possible, upcycling and recycling, buying in bulk, producing your own food and cooking together. The basic attitude is to try to be aware of how our actions affect the environment, other people and other living things.
As a short-term volunteer, you participate in daily life in this ecological community and help with all kinds of (daily) jobs. You experience life and can learn a lot about sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Volunteer work
You have a lot of freedom of choice with this project and can decide every day what you will help with. There is renovation work to be done on buildings of the cooperative, you can work in the surrounding nature for the benefit of the local community or you help with odd jobs in the (vegetable) garden, chop wood or take care of the goats.
The project has two rooms where the volunteers can sleep. You can also choose to sleep outside in the garden - there are some tents available. You bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping mat.
The water from the kitchen and bathroom is reused, so you can only use biodegradable soap. There are only compost toilets - no flush toilets.
The meals are vegetarian and you are expected to help with their preparation.
The project is located in the countryside of Istria, in a beautiful rolling landscape. The surrounding hills and valleys are just waiting to be explored. You can make international trips to Croatia (you are pretty much on the border) and Italy (20 km to the north). The coast is 25 km away - nice for a day at the beach. Or you can visit the 700-year-old salt pans of Sečovlje.
You travel to the town of Koper. The volunteer group will be picked up there.
You arrange the travel to your project yourself. IBO asks all volunteers to travel in the most sustainable way possible, so preferably by train or bus. What you at least can do, is compensate your CO2 emissions. You can find more information about this on the website of Milieu Centraal. You can also compensate your emissions via IBO, by donating to our partner’s tree planting project in Uganda. You can read more about that here..
IBO offers a good preparation for your volunteering work abroad.You will receive a digital information package and an invitation to a preparation meeting. Read more about the proces from departure until return.
IBO asks €50 registration fee. In addition, you pay a participation fee of €189 for this project. You can also become an IBO-supporter, then you do not pay a registration fee.
Would you like to know more about how your contribution is made and how it is spent? Read about the costs for participation.
Register as a volunteer at IBO here.