
European IBO network

IBO-Nederland is part of a European network, Internationale Bouworde. This is a collaboration between different organisations. The Bouworde network consists of organisations in Belgium, Bulgaria, GermanyItaly, Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland.

Every IBO organisation maintains contact with project organisations at home and abroad - local NGOs that aim to improve living conditions in some way. These organisations ask IBO to recruit volunteers for a specific task or job that is important to the organisation. IBO-Nederland recruits volunteers in the Netherlands for projects of all IBO organisations and vice versa. In this way international groups of volunteers are created to work together in projects.

More information on our international network.

IBO-Europe logo with link

Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS

IBO is a member, and one of the founding members, of CCIVS, an international NGO (non-profit) that works on the development and coordination of volunteering worldwide.

CCIVS's main focus is to bring positive change to the world by bringing people from different backgrounds together. CCIVS supports and develops projects based on the idea that working together on a concrete task is the most effective way to create international friendship and understanding. The projects serve as a catalyst for dialogue, as they provide the opportunity to work together based on everyone's ability and to live together. In such situations, national and international volunteers experience a new reality that can challenge both their customs and beliefs as well as those of the local community.

CCIVS exists for advocacy and networking, capacity building and training, UN collaboration projects, impact measurement and quality improvement. The organisation also coordinates two international campaigns: Raising Peace and IVS for Climate Justice.

Go to the CCIVS website.

CCIVS logo

SDG Nederland

IBO is part of the Dutch community that works on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations. In particular IBO-Nederland focuses on goal 10 - reduced inequalities, goal 16 - peace, justice, and strong institutions, and goal 17 - partnerships for the goals.

Read more about SDG Nederland.

SDG Nederland